Dietetherapie of morbus of duodenal hormonal insufficiency
Academik EANS and RANS, doctor-phytotherapeutist K.A.Treskunov
June 1976
Morbus of duodenal hormonal insufficiency of animals has been described by Ugolev,A.M.(1960-1976) and that of the man has been depicted by us (1967-1976). The study of literature and our own clinical observations enable us to determine morbus of duodenal hormonal insufficiency as a disease, caused insufficiency of the function of duodenum (essentially hormonal), which leads to indigestion, disturbs (changes) metabolism, a remarkable emaciation evidenced by cor-vasen and nervopsychic disorder.
Morbus of duodenal hormonal insufficiency arises (evolves) from diffusional, acute and chronic duodenite of toxico-allergical origin (toxico-infection, lamliose, opistohose, ascaridose, chronio-septicemie).
Morbus of duodenal hormonal insufficiency is also the result of atrofie of duodenum after its surgical turning off (cutting off) gastro-enterostomie.
The extent to which duodenite has spread being wide, morbus of duodenal hormonal insufficiency is encountered only in single cases. One may suppose it to arise from an inborn inferiority (defectiveness) of duodenal hormonal apparatus. This imperfection can become apparent through the lack of appetite and "causeless" growing thin.
We observe the women of mainly young age and especially after being operated on to have morbus of hormonal insufficiency, sometimes more often than the man.
Again, we notice that it is in the organism of mostly young men where ulcerons morbus of duodenum - the evidence of hyperfunction of duodenal hormonal apparatus - comes into being. With duodenal hormonal insufficiency some decline of androgenie function and raising of estrogenie function, including the syndrome of premenstrual tension, are marked.
With ulcerous morbus of duodenum, namely in the period of beginning or exacerbation of disease the reduction of estrogenie and the raising of androgenie function are known to occur.
Morbus of duodenal hormonal insufficiency of patients observed by us was displayed by duodenal asthenie, diencefale, meneno and demping syndromes as well as duodenal mignaine. The patients with diencefale syndrome were given the most serious course.
In addition to the bouts of sharp total asthenie of several weeks duration, tachicardie, pains in the region of heart, nausea, retching (more often in the morning on an empty stomach) we observed these patients to have sharp thinness, psychie disorder (distinctive depression) total disability, loss of interest in life and family.
Besides the syndromes mentioned most of the patients had simultaneously the attacks of shivering, asthenie, tachycardie accompanied by feeling hot, fear, cold sweating, diarel or frequent urination soon or 2-3 hours later after a meal and sometimes at night. During such attacks some patients had momentary loss of consciousness. Due to the upset or turning off of the duodenale regulation of the insular apparatus function the glicemic curve of patients with syndromes of duodenal hormonal insufficiency showed some deviations (disturbances).
Blood (blutis tipus) type of sacchar curve depicted a quick high rise and immediate rapid drop (insuline regulation was due to saccharine "level" (amount) in blood. Brake type showed a quick high rise of sacchar in blood and kept this high level for a long period (the amount of duodenale hormones exciting insular apparatus being reduced, that of inhibiting ones prevailed).
The prevalence of exciting duodenal hormones gives rise to a flat type of sacchar curve and the delayed secretion of duodenale ones results in an "inert" type.
In addition to other morbid features one part of patients was noted to have attacks of sharp giddiness, loss of balance (it rushes to one side) with nausea and sometimes retching. In these cases meneri syndrome was diagnosed. The basis for (therapy) treatment and prophylaxis of morbus of duodenal hormonal insufficiency is a diet. In the period of acute duodenite the diet must be anti-inflammatory, antiallergique, chemically and mechanically sparing. The upset of duodenal regulation of insular apparatus should be also taken into account here.
These principles are combined especially well in Pevzner diet, I-a, I-b and I-c with restriction of carbohydrates, particularly saccharose and glucose.
The restriction of carbohydrates being immediately absorbed into spares insuline apparatus, prevents developing adrenal diencephalique crises, promotes eliminating inflammatory and allergique displays.
The principle of restriction of carbohydrates must be realized in the course of the whole treating of duodenite with duodenal hormonal insufficiency.
With morbus of duodenale gormonale insufficiency we prescribed a diet, taking account of the after-effects of the illness and accompaning diseases. In combination of duodenite with diseases of hepar (liver) and biliar (ire) tracts dietary 5 by Pevzner and in that with enterocoliti dietary 4 were prescribed. With morbus of duodenal hormonal insufficiency against background of duodenite the secretoire function of gaster was observed to reduce, affecting unfavourably on duodenale gormonale function. In connection with this fact mild secretion stimulators of vegetable origin (chamomilla, achillee, millefdium, plantago major, origanum vulgare, toraxacum officinale and others) turned out to be useful.
They may be included into the diet as warm drinks, salads, soups, ralishes and additions for sauces.
With accompaning enterite care should be taken of utilizing the salads and ralishes of medicinal herbs. In a sharp period the parenteral nourishment, intravenose-quttis injection of vitamins, blood and blood substitutes, had a favourable effect. To treat demping-syndrome there was used generally accepted in these cases fragmentary nourishment with restriction in glucose and saccharose, especially on a hungry stomach (gaster) and in dissolved form.
In conclusion one should emphasize that diagnostics and treatment (therapy) (including also the dietic one) of morbus of duodenal hormonal insufficiency have not been adequately studied. Further success will depend on the synthesis of duodenal hormones of total action and on developing substitutable therapy.
Master of medical sciences Karp Abramovich Treskunov. Branch. Institute Avenue 6, flat 23. Chernogolovka. Moskow region. 142432. Russia.
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